So I freed 2 birds with one stone, so to speak.
Below is our way of having a picnic/bar-b-que at our house. Pictured starting from top going clockwise faux bbq 'pork' (homemade seitan, made from scratch by moi), creamy potato salad, and cole slaw. It was a gastronomical delight. The faux bbq came out better than I expected. The bbq seitan recipe and cole slaw are from Veganomicon and the potato salad is from a PETA handout "Go Vegetarian" which has a few great starter recipes.
By the way - for anyone who loves mayonnaise, I have to give a pitch for Vegenaise:

Okay - below, because having one dinner would be too easy, is Red quinoa with black beans, broccoli, and raspberry chipotle sauce. This one is from the Post Punk Kitchen again and can be found on the website.
And just because it wouldn't be a day on Hondo Mesa without some animal adventure - these two horses decided to bolt and take a walk on the wild side when they were being led out of their trailer. The went back to their home moments later.
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